Personal Loans

Have you been rejected by a bank because of a low credit score? Don’t worry, you have other options! Cash Loans Bad Credit can connect you with a private lender that can help you accomplish your goal.

You should also note that if you have made previous applications to banks on your own and have been rejected, it might be worthwhile for you to try again with Cash Loans Bad Credit. We have access to multiple lenders and our experience to get you the financing you need.

What is a private loan?

A private loan works just like a bank loan. Similar to any regular loan from a bank, a private loan is a loan from a private institution or individual. It is a loan from a private lender as opposed to one of Canada’s chartered financial institutions.

Using a Private Lender

A private lender doesn’t work like a bank. They don’t have compliance departments and red tape. They are able to assess a loan very quickly, therefore private lenders have a faster closing schedule and funding time. A private lender can close a deal within a couple of days while a bank must process your files through different departments before approving you.


Bad Credit Loans

Home loans are easily attainable if you have a good credit score and a down payment, but if you are missing one of the two it is not the end of the world. Cash Loans Bad Credit has a track record of success in finding loans for individuals in situations like these.

Private Home Loans

Whether it’s for a first mortgage, second mortgage or a home equity loan, Cash Loans Bad Credit can help you get a private loan.

When should you consider getting a private loan?

You should consider private loans when traditional methods for obtaining financing have failed. Cash Loans Bad Credit has access to private lenders in every province and every major city in the country. By applying with us you will benefit from affordable instalment (term) loans, repayable in a term (i.e. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, semi-monthly) that works for you!

Apply For A Personal Loan Today!

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