Cash Loans Bad Credit is committed to the protecting your personal information. We adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.
When a user applies or submits their contact information using our website the information we collect will be used to contact the user. Financial information we collect from users will be used to evaluate the user’s eligibility to obtain our services. The information provided to us by users may be shared with our private lenders to process the user’s information on our behalf. Information is only disclosed to our private lenders that have been bound by confidentiality obligations.
We take all precautions to protect every user’s information. The information submitted to Cash Loans Bad Credit by users is protected and available only to our customer care agents or service representatives, who are trained and up to date on current security and privacy practices.
Cash Loans Bad Credit only collects information required to qualify users for the introductory services they request. Our goal is to minimize intrusiveness and maximize the protection of your personal information.
When you provide your personal information through the Cash Loans Bad Credit website, you are consenting, acknowledging and agreeing to the disclosure of your personal information with potential providers of loans (or different services, dependent on your request) and other lead providers (companies who help connect potential borrowers and lenders by selling potential borrowers’ personal information to lenders). If you do not provide this information, Cash Loans Bad Credit will not be able to provide your contact information and other details to those potential lenders and lead providers. Be aware that the lenders and lead providers with whom you are matched may retain or use your personal information whether or not you use their services and you should contact these lenders and lead providers directly concerning their privacy and information sharing practices which may differ from Cash Loans Bad Credit. You can access your personal information stored by Cash Loans Bad Credit or withdraw your consent to the collection and use of your information by contacting us at Cash Loans Bad Credit. You can submit any request related to consent withdrawal or the removal of personal information from our database directly to, by contacting us via our contact us page.
By entering your e-mail address and other contact details in your online application and by clicking the privacy check box in the application form, you consent to Cash Loans Bad Credit and/or our other partners contacting you by phone, mail, text message or e-mail to:
- send you promotional offers, including third party offers;
- assist you in completing your online application to their satisfaction;
- confirm and verify your personal information and identity; and
- determine why you have failed to complete the application form (for example, if there were technical or other issues);
Furthermore, by providing your personal information on this website, you have asked us to put you in touch with potential lenders or service providers. Please note, e-mails sent from Cash Loans Bad Credit are sent from its own web/e-mail servers.